University of Bath, Room 1.1, 6 West, Thursday 16th May 2024
13:00 Yannik Schuler (University of Sheffield): Tangents to Nodal Cubic (abs)
14:30 Rhiannon Savage (Oxford University): A Representability Theorem for Stacks in Derived Geometry Contexts (abs)
Oliver Daisey (Durham University): A Laurent Phenomenon for the Cayley Plane (abs)
University of Birmingham, Lecture Theatre A, Watson Building, Thursday 22nd February 2024
13:00 Antoine Pinardin (University of Edinburgh): G-Solid Rational Surfaces (abs)
14:30 Girtrude Hamm (University of Nottingham): Combinatorial Automorphisms of Spherical Varieties (abs)
16:00 Alberto Cobos-Rabano (University of Sheffield): Two Ways of Counting Curves on Toric Varieties (abs)
University of Cambridge, MR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wednesday 22nd November 2023
13:00 Shivang Jindal (University of Edinburgh): Quantum groups from Donaldson-Thomas theory (abs)
14:30 Joseph Malbon (University of Edinburgh): Explicit K-Stability for Fano threefolds (abs)
16:00 Siao Chi Mok (University of Cambridge): Logarithmic Fulton-MacPherson configuration spaces (abs)
Imperial College London, 139, Huxley Building, Friday 8th September 2023
13:00 Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi (Nottingham): Fano 3-folds with 1-dimensional K-moduli (abs)
14:30 Simen Moe (Imperial College London): Stable rationality of polytopes (abs)
16:00 Flora Poon (Bath): Kuga-Satake varieties of families of K3 surfaces of Picard rank 14 (abs)
University of Nottingham, C27, Coates Building, Friday 3rd March 2023
13:00 Hannah Dell (Edinburgh): Stability conditions on free abelian quotients (abs)
14:30 Oscar Finegan (Cardiff): Derived Intersection Products (abs)
16:00 Austin Hubbard (Bath): Hyperpolygon spaces and their crepant resolutions (abs)
University of Cambridge, MR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Monday 21st November 2022
13:00 Marta Benozzo (University College London): A canonical bundle formula in positive characteristic. (abs)
14:15 Sebastian Schlegel Mejia (University of Edinburgh): BPS cohomology. (abs)
16:30 George Cooper (University of Oxford): Compactified Universal Jacobians over Stacks of Stable Curves via GIT. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Thursday 29th September 2022.
15:00 Thomas Wennink (Liverpool): A reconstruction theorem for genus 2 Gromov-Witten invariants. (abs)
University of Birmingham, Lecture Theatre A, Watson Building, Wednesday 23 March 2022
13:00 Valentin Boboc (University of Manchester): Stability of Cotangent Bundles of Weierstrass Fibrations. (abs)
14:30 Aimeric Malter (University of Birmingham): A derived equivalence of the Libgober-Teitelbaum and the Batyrev-Borisov Mirror Constructions. (abs)
16:00 Joseph Prebble (Loughborough University): Mirror moduli spaces of lattice-polarised K3s mirrors of del Pezzo surfaces. (abs)
Cambridge, Wednesday 8th December 2021,CMS, Central Core, MR3.
13:00 Federico Barbacovi (UCL): SemiOrthogonal Decompositions, gluing, and spherical twists (abs)
14:30 Felix Küng (University of Liverpool): Twisted Hodge diamonds give rise to non-Fourier-Mukai functors (abs)
16:00 Xiong Yirui (University of Sheffield): Tilting objects on cotangent bundle of the projective plane (abs)
Imperial College, Friday 15th October 2021, Huxley Building, rooms 642, 658, 6M42.
13:00 Michael Hallam (University of Oxford): Stability of fibrations through geodesic analysis. (abs)
14:30 Alyosha Latyntsev (Oxford): BPS states, vertex algebras and torus localisation. (abs)
16:00 Liam Stigant (Imperial): Minimal Models in Mixed characteristic. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Thursday 29th April 2020.
15:00 Fredrik Vaeng Rotnes (Imperial): Foliations and birational geometry. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Friday 12th February 2020.
15:00 Karoline van Gemst (Sheffield): Frobenius manifolds and a one-dimensional mirror theorem (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Friday 11th December 2020.
15:00 Arkadij Bojko (Oxford): Computing with virtual fundamental classes of Hilbert schemes on Calabi--Yau 4-folds. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Friday 20th November 2020.
15:00 Tiago Guerrero (Loughborough): On Singular Fano 3-folds complete intersections and their birational geometry. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Friday 12th June 2020.
15:00 Livia Campo (Nottingham): Birational non-rigidity of codimension 4 Fano 3-folds. (abs)
Online Calf Seminar, Friday 22nd May 2020.
15:00 Jacob Gross (Oxford): Homology of moduli stacks of complexes. (abs)
Imperial College, Tuesday 28th January 2020, Blackett Building, Room 630.
12:00 Federico Barbacovi (UCL): Flops and derived equivalences. (abs)
13:30 Bradley Doyle (UCL): Non-commutative crepant resolutions. (abs)
15:00 Luigi Lunardon (Imperial): Advertising motivic zeta functions.
Cardiff, Friday 29th November 2019, Main Building, Large Shandon Lecture Theatre.
14:00 Chris Seaman (Cardiff): An introduction to H-schobers. (abs)
15:30 Alice Cuzzucoli (Warwick): A glimpse at the classification of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces. (abs)
17:00 Tim Grange (Loughborough): Blow-ups of products of projective spaces. (abs)
Birmingham, Friday 5th April 2019, Nuffield Building, Room G13.
13:00 Nebojsa Pavic (Sheffield): Quotient singularities and Grothendieck groups. (abs)
15:00 Giulia Gugiatti (LSGNT): Hyperelliptic integrals and mirrors of the Johnson-Kollar del Pezzo surfaces. (abs)
16:30 James Plowman (Warwick): The Witt complex of a scheme with a dualising complex. (abs)
Warwick, Monday 28th January 2019, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building.
This meeting included the local weekly Junior Algebraic geometry Seminar ( JAWS ).
13:00 [Room B3.03] Caitlin McAuley (Sheffield): The spaces of stability conditions of the Kronecker quiver. (abs)
15:00 [Room B1.01] Matt Booth (Edinburgh): Contraction algebras and noncommutative derived geometry. (abs)
16:30 [Room B1.01] Ben Morley (Cambridge): Motivating mirror symmetry and the Gross-Siebert program. (abs)
Oxford, Tuesday 20th November 2018, Andrew Wiles Building, Lecture Theatre L1.
This meeting included the Oxford weekly Algebraic Geometry seminar.
13:00 Aeran Fleming (Liverpool): Kähler packings of projective, complex manifolds. (abs)
14:15 Gaia Comaschi (Lille): Pfaffian representations of cubic threefolds and instanton bundles. (abs)
15:45 Nicholas Wilkins (Oxford): A Steenrod-square-type operation for quantum cohomology and Floer theory (abs)
17:00 Fabio Bernasconi (Imperial College): Some remarks on singular Fano threefolds in positive characteristic. (abs) -
Cardiff, Tuesday 13th February 2018, Queen's Buildings, South Building room S/3.21.
13:00 Oliver E. Anderson (Liverpool): Chow sheaves and h-representability. (abs)
14:15 Mirko Mauri (LSGNT): Dual complexes of log Calabi-Yau pairs and Mori fibre spaces. (abs)
16:00 Vladimir Eremichev (Warwick): G-Hilbert schemes and related constructions. (abs) -
King's College London, 13th December 2017, in the Strand Building, room S-1.22 (basement).
13:00 Daniel Evans (Liverpool): Birationally rigid complete intersections. (abs)
14:15 Eloïse Hamilton (Oxford): Moduli spaces for Higgs bundles, semistable and unstable. (abs)
16:00 Rosemary Taylor (Warwick): Constructions of Fano 3-folds using unprojections. (abs) -
"Après GAeL" in Warwick, 3rd-4th July 2017.
Mon 3rd July
11:00 Sara Lamboglia (Warwick): Toric degeneration via tropical geometry.
2:00 Maksymilian Grab (U Warszawa): Crepant resolutions of 3-dimensional quotient singularities via Cox rings (extended version).
3:10 Lawrence Barrott (DPMSS, Cambridge): Quirks of log geometry.
4:30 Josh Jackson (Oxford): Moduli spaces of unstable curves.
5:30 Aurelio Carlucci: Moduli spaces of stable pairs on the resolved conifold.
Tue 4th July
10:00 Paolo Tripoli (Warwick): Tropical Chow hypersurfaces.
11:30 Claudio Onorati (Bath): Monodromy of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds of type OGr10.
1:30 Isabel Stenger (Kaiserslautern): Constructing torsion-free Godeaux surfaces.
4:00 Alan Thompson (DPMMS Cambridge and Warwick): Mirror symmetry for lattice polarized del Pezzo surfaces.
"2CinC: COW and CALF in Cardiff", 23rd-24th February 2017.
A two-day COW+CALF meeting organised in Cardiff. -
Warwick, 3rd November 2016, Room B1.12,
13.00 Dougal Davis (LSGNT): Some stacks of principal bundles over elliptic curves and their shifted symplectic geometry. (abs)
14.15 Francesco Meazzini (Sapienza - University of Rome): Quiver representations and Gorenstein-projective modules. (abs)
16.00 Claudio Onorati (University of Bath): Moduli spaces of generalised Kummer varieties are not connected. (abs) -
Bath, 18th February 2016
1.00 Danny Scarponi (Oxford/Tolouse): The degree zero part of the motivic polylogarithm and the Deligne-Beilinson cohomology.(abs)
2.30 Sara Muhvic (Warwick): Threefold Cyclic Orbifolds (abs)
4.00 Francesca Carocci (Imperial College): Homological projective duality and blow ups. (abs) Oxford, 15th October 2015
13.00 (Room C2) Enrico Fatighenti (Warwick): Hodge Theory via deformations of affine cones
15.00 (Room C1) Anton Isopoussu (Cambridge): K-stability, convex cones and fibrations (abs)
17.00 (Room C4) Roberto Laface (Leibniz Universität Hannover): Decompositions of singular Abelian surfaces (abs)Bath, 27th February 2015
1.00 Jesus Tapia Amador (Bath): Localisation for Consistent Dimer Models
2.30 Rory Potter (Sheffield): Derived Autoequivalences of surfaces
4.00 Eduardo Dias (Warwick): Irregular surfaces and covers of PP2Imperial College, 28th January 2015
1.00 Matt Pressland (Bath): Ice Quivers with Potential and Internally 3CY Algebras
2.30 Lars Sektnan (Imperial): Algebro-geometric obstructions to the existence of cscK metrics on toric varieties (abs)
4.00 Michael Selig (Warwick): Orbifold Riemann-Roch and Hilbert Series (abs)Cambridge, 4th December 2014
1.00 Tom Ducat (Warwick): Unprojection and 3-fold divisorial extractions that blow up a singular curve
2.30 Mohammad Akhtar (Imperial): Singularity Content
4.00 Andrea Petracci (Imperial): On the quantum periods of del Pezzo surfaces (abs)Oxford, 28th February 2014
1.00 Diletta Martinelli (Imperial): Semi-ampleness of line bundles in positive characteristic (abs)
2.30 Emily Cliff (Oxford): Universal D-modules (abs)
4.00 Carmelo Di Natale (Cambridge): A period map for global derived stacks (abs)Bath, 18th November 2013
2.00 Ruadhaí Dervan (Cambridge) - An introduction to K-stability (abs)
3.30 Thomas Prince (Imperial) - From scattering diagrams to Gromov-Witten theory (abs)
5.00 Alberto Cazzaniga (Oxford) - On some calculation of motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariantsWarwick, 19th September 2013
2.00 Seung-Jo Jung (Warwick) - Moduli of representations of McKay quiver (abs)
3.30 Taro Sano (Warwick) - Deformations of weak Fano manifolds (abs)
5.00 Michael Selig (Warwick) - Orbifold Riemann-Roch in high dimensions (abs)
Oxford, Friday 26th April 2013 2.00 Andrew Chan (Warwick) - Gröbner Bases over Fields with Valuations (abs)
3.30 Matthew Pressland (Bath) - Labelled Seeds and Mutation Groups (abs)
5.00 Vittoria Bussi (Oxford) - Categorification of Donaldson-Thomas invariants and of Lagrangian intersections (abs)
Cambridge, Thursday 21st February 2013 2.00 Mohammad Akhtar (Imperial): Mutations and Fano Varieties (abs)
3.30 Giulio Codogni (Cambridge): Curves, Jacobians and Modular Forms (abs)
5.00 Andrew Strangeway (Imperial): A Reconstruction Theorem for the Quantum Cohomology of Fano Bundles (abs)
Imperial College, Wednesday 5th December 2012 2.00 Andrea Fanelli (Imperial): Lifting Theorems in Birational Geometry (abs) 3.30 John Christian Ottem (Cambridge): Ample subschemes (abs) 5.00 Thomas Hawes (Oxford): GIT for non-reductive groups (abs)
Warwick Wednesday 10th Oct 2012
2.00 Igor Netay (HSE, Moscow) - On A-infinity algebras of highest weight orbits (abs)
3.30 Andrew MacPherson (Imperial) - A Non-Archimedean SYZ-Conjecture(abs)
5.00 Andrey Trepalin (HSE, Moscow) - Rationality of the quotient of P^2 by a finite group of automorphisms over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero(abs)
Bath Thursday 31st May 2012
1.30 Pawel Borowka (Bath) - Non-simple abelian varieties(abs)
3.00 Tom Sutherland (Oxford) - Affine cubic surfaces and cluster varieties(abs)
4.30 Anna Lena Winstel (FU Kaiserslauten) - The Relative Tropical Inverse Problem for Curves in a Fixed Plane(abs)
Warwick Thursday 8th March 2012 (WT1.04, Westwood)
1.30 Alex Collins (Bath) - Representations of quivers and weighted projective lines(abs)
3.00 Jørgen Rennemo (Imperial) - Göttsche's Ex-Conjecture and the Hilbert Scheme of Points on a Surface(abs)
4.30 Taro Sano (Warwick) - Deformation theoretic approach to the classification of singular Fano 3-folds(abs)
Oxford, Wednesday 26th October 2011 (RI.1.28, Gibson Building)
1.30 Tom Sutherland (Oxford) - Stability conditions for the one-arrow quiver(abs)
3.00 John Christian Ottem (Cambridge) - Asymptotic cohomological functions (abs)
4.30 Ciaran Meachan (Edinburgh) - Moduli of Bridgeland-stable objects(abs)
Imperial, Friday 1st April 2011 (Huxley Building)
12.00 Andrew MacPherson (Imperial) - Mirror Symmetry is T-duality (abs)
2.00 Alan Thompson (Oxford) - Models for Threefolds Fibred by K3 Surfaces of Degree Two (abs)
3.30 Will Donovan (Imperial) - The McKay Correspondence(abs)
Cambridge, Saturday 8th January 2011 (MR13, CMS)
2.00 Qiu Yu (Bath) - Stability space of quivers/species of two vertices (abs)
3.30 Alex Shannon (Cambridge) - Geometry without geometry(abs)
Bath, Thursday 9th December 2010 (Wolfson Lecture Theatre (4W 1.17))
1:30 Pawel Borowka (Bath) - An easy exercise or an open problem? (abs)
3.00 Umar Hayat (Warwick) - Gorenstein Quasi-homogeneous Affine Varieties (abs)
4.30 Tarig Abdel Gadir (Glasgow) - [A^n /G] from the McKay quiver(abs) .
Warwick, Thursday 1st July 2010 (MS.03, Zeeman Building)
2.00 Pawel Borowka (Bath) - Abelian surfaces and genus 4 curves (abs)
3.45 YongJoo Shin (Sogang) - Classification of involutions on a surface of general type with p_g=q=0 (abs)
Glasgow, Monday 5th April 2010 (Maths Building)
10:30 Alan Thompson (Oxford) Models for Ample <2>-Polarised K3-Fibrations
11:45 Dot Winn (Glasgow) - Mori Dream Spaces and Moduli of Quiver Representations
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Joseph Grant (Bristol) - Seidel-Thomas Twists and Derived Equivalences
2:50 Will Donovan (Imperial) - Quantum systems and Representations
Oxford, Thursday 4th February 2010 (SR2 and Dartington House)
2.00 Jorge Vitoria (Warwick) - t-structures and coherent sheaves (abs) in SR2.
3.00 Tea in the Maths Common Room.
3.45 Yuhi Sekiya (Nagoya/Glasgow) - Moduli spaces of McKay quiver representations (abs) in Dartington House.
Imperial, Thursday 12th November 2009 ( Huxley Building, Room 408)
2:00 Ben Davison (Oxford) - Noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants.
3.15 Will Donovan (Imperial) - Tilting, derived categories and non-commutative algebras (abs)
4.30 Tea in the Maths Common Room.
5.00 Julian Holstein (Cambridge) - Preserving K(pi,1)'s - Hyperplane arrangements and homotopy type (abs) .
Cambridge, Thursday 14th May 2009
2:00 Carl McTague (Cambridge) - The Cayley plane genus.(abs)
3.30 David Holmes (Warwick) - Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves.(abs)
5.00 Alexander Shannon (Cambridge) - Twistor D-modules.(abs)
Oxford, Thursday 5th March 2009 (Maths Institute, SR2 and the Gibson Building)
1:00 Alan Thompson (Oxford) - Degenerations of surfaces with Kodaira number zero . (abs)
2:30 Hamid Ahmadinezhad (Kent) - 3-fold flips and GIT .
4:00 Dirk Schlueter (Oxford) - DM stacks in toric geometry and moduli theory
Oxford, Thursday 30th October 2008 (Maths Institute, SR1)
1:00 Nils Henry Rasmussen (Bergen / Warwick) - The dimension of W^1_d(C) where C is a smooth curve on a K3 surface .
3:00 Vicky Hoskins (Oxford) - An introduction to stacks. (abs)
4:00 Lisema Rammea (Bath) - Some interesting surfaces of general type in projective 4-space . (abs)
University of Kent, Canterbury, 6-7th March 2008 ( Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science)
6th March
2:00 Jaroslaw Buczynski (Kent) - Linear sections of some Segre products.(abs)
3:30 Sohail Iqbal (Warwick) - Schubert Calculus.
5:00 Sarah Davis (Warwick) - Orbifold Riemann-Roch and Curve Singularities
7th March
11:00-1:00 Workshop on Orbifold Riemann-Roch led by Gavin Brown (Kent)
3:00 Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Cambridge) - The topology of some algebraic varieties
Oxford, Thursday 24th January 2008 (Maths Institute, L3)
1:00 Stephen Coughlan (Warwick) - Constructions of surfaces of general type. Room L1
3:00 Sönke Rollenske (Imperial) - Some very non-Kahler manifolds. (abs)Room L2
4:00 Elisa Tenni (Warwick) - Surface fibrations and their relative canonical algebras . (abs) Room L3
Warwick, Thursday 22nd November 2007 ( Maths Institute, Room B3.02 )
1:00 Paul Cadman (Warwick) - Deformations of singularities and the intersection form. (abs)
(Move to room B3.01)
2:30 Lisema Rammea (Bath) - Construction of Non-General Type surfaces in P^4_w. (abs)
4:00 Alan Thompson (Oxford) - Tjurina and Milnor numbers of matrix singularities. (abs)
Oxford, Thursday 14th June 2007 (Maths Institute, L3)
1:00 Nathan Broomhead (Bath) - The Dimer Model and Calabi-Yau Algebras. (abs)
3:00 Ed Segal (Imperial) - Superpotential algebras from three-fold singularities. (abs)
4:00 Gergely Berczi (Budapest and Oxford) - Multidegrees of Singular Maps. (abs)
Imperial, Wednesday 21st February 2007 (Maths Institute, 53 Prince's Gate)
1:15 Jacopo Stoppa (Imperial): Stability and blowups. (abs)
2:30 Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Cambridge): The defect of terminal quartic 3-folds. (abs)
(move to the Huxley Building, Room 540)
4:00 Alexander Kasprzyk (UNB): What little I know about Fake Weighted Projective Space . (abs)
Bath, Friday 3rd November 2006 (1W 3.6)
1:15pm - Vladimir Lazic (Cambridge): Restricted volume function .
2:30pm - Michael Wemyss (Bristol): Singular Derived Categories and their application to geometry .
4:00pm - Alvaro Nolla de Celis (Warwick): G-Hilb and McKay correspondence . (abs)
Oxford, Thursday 16th March 2006 (Maths Institute, L3)
2:30 Ed Segal (Imperial): Crepant resolutions and quiver algebras . (abs)
4:00 Stephen Coughlan (Warwick): Graded rings in high codimension. (abs)
Imperial, Thursday 23 February 2006
1:00 Elizabeth Baldwin (Oxford): Moduli of stable maps as a GIT quotient. (abs)
3:00 Mark McLean (Cambridge): Symplectic Homology.
Oxford, Thursday 8th December 2005 (Maths Institute, L3)
2:00 Nathan Broomhead (Bath): Cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties. (abs)
3:30 Alexander Kasprzyk (Bath): Recognising toric Fano singularities. (abs)
Imperial, Thursday 24th November 2005 (48 Princes Gardens, 'Board Room')
1:00 Ed Segal (Imperial): Operads and the Moduli of Curves. (abs)
3:00 Alex Paulin (Imperial): An Introduction to Rigid Geometry.
Warwick, Thursday 10th November 2005 (Maths Department, B1.01/B3.02)
1:30 Alvaro Nolla de Celis (Warwick): Introduction to cyclic quotient singularities. (abs)
3:00 Stephen Coughlan (Warwick): Introduction to graded rings and varieties. (abs)
Oxford, Thursday 23rd June 2005 (Maths Institute, L3)
12:00 Kyriakos Papadopoulos (Liverpool): Reflection Groups, Generalised Cartan Matrices & Kac-Moody Algebras, Part I. (abs)
2:00 Kyriakos Papadopoulos (Liverpool): Reflection Groups, Generalised Cartan Matrices & Kac-Moody Algebras, Part II. (abs)
3:00 John Wunderle (Liverpool): Properties of higher genus curves. (abs)
Sheffield, Thursday 9th June 2005 (The Hicks Building, Lecture Theatre 3, Floor D)
1:00 David Stern (Sheffield): Vocabulary Made Easy. (abs)
3:00 David Stern (Sheffield): Tilting T-structures, Mutating Exceptional Collections, Seiberg Duality... It's all quivers to me. (abs)
Warwick, Thursday 26th May 2005 (Maths Department, B3.03)
2:00 James Smith (Warwick): Introduction to K3 Surfaces: Part II. (abs)
3:30 Alexander Kasprzyk (Bath): Introduction to Toric Varieties: Part II. (abs)
Imperial, Thursday 10th March 2005 (Huxley Building, Room 139)
1:00 Shu Sasaki (Imperial): Crystalline Cohomology and Crystals. (abs)
2:00 & 3:15 Marco Lo Giudice (Bath): Scheme-theoretic Projective Geometry. (abs)
Bath, Thursday 10th February 2005 (1W 3.20a)
1:00 Barrie Cooper (Bath): Koszul Duality and Twisted Group Algebras. (abs)
2:45 Elizabeth Baldwin (Oxford): Introduction to Deligne-Mumford Stacks: Part II. (abs)
Liverpool, Tuesday 25th January 2005 (Maths Department, Room 211)
1:00 Kyriakos Papadopoulos (Liverpool): Reflection Groups of Integral Hyperbolic Lattices. (abs)
2:00 Grzegorz Kapustka & Michal Kapustka (Krakow): Some Geometric Properties of Singular Del Pezzo Surfaces. (abs)
4:00 John Wunderle (Liverpool): Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves. (abs)
5:00 Alberto Besana (Milan): Symplectic Aspects of Framed Knots. (abs)
Oxford, Thursday 16th December 2004 (Maths Institute, LR3)
2:00 Kenneth Shackleton (Southampton): Tightness and Computing Distances in the Curve Complex. (abs)
3:15 Cormac Long (Southampton): Some Results on Coxeter Groups. (abs)
Oxford, Tuesday 7th December 2004 (Maths Institute, LR3)
12:00 & 3:00 Jonathan Kirby (Oxford): Model Theory and Geometry - An Introduction. (abs)
2:00 & 4:30 Barrie Cooper (Bath): An Introduction to Derived Categories. (abs)
Bath, Thursday 11th November 2004 (1W 3.24)
2:00 Alexander Kasprzyk (Bath): Introduction to Toric Varieties: Part I. (abs)
4:00 Elizabeth Baldwin (Oxford): Introduction to Deligne-Mumford Stacks: Part I. (abs)
Warwick, Thursday 28th October 2004 (Maths Department, B3.02 and B3.03)
12:00 James Smith (Warwick): Introduction to K3 Surfaces: Part I. (abs)
3:00 Marco Lo Giudice (Bath): Introduction to Schemes. (abs)
Bath, Thursday 10th June 2004 (1W 3.24)
2:00 Barrie Cooper (Bath): McKay Matrices, CFT Graphs, and Koszul Duality (Part I). (abs)
3:15 Michal Kapustka (Krakow): Linear Systems on a K3 Surface. (abs)
4:30 Grzegorz Kapustka (Krakow): Linear Systems on an Enriques Surface. (abs)
Cambridge, Monday 15th March 2004 (MR13, Geometry Pavilion (E))
2:00 Joel Fine (Imperial): Constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics on fibred complex surfaces. (abs)
3:15 Gil Cavalcanti (Oxford): Massey products in Symplectic Geometry. (abs)
4:30 Chris Wuthrich (Cambridge): On p-adic heights in families of elliptic curves. (abs)
Imperial, Thursday 26th February 2004 (Huxley Building, Room 140)
2:00 Daniel Hoyt (Cardiff): Braided categories and TQFTs. (abs)
3:15 Gil Cavalcanti (Oxford): Examples of generalized complex structures. (abs)
4:30 Oliver Nash (Oxford): An Introduction to Twistor Theory. (abs)
Oxford, Thursday 5th February 2004 (Maths Institute, SR2)
2:00 Tim Browning (Oxford): Arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces. (abs)
3:15 James Smith (Warwick): K3s as quotients of symmetric surfaces. (abs)
4:30 Pierre Guillot (Cambridge): Algebraic cycles in the cohomology of finite groups. (abs)
Bath, Thursday 15th January 2004 (1W 3.24)
2:00 Marco Lo Giudice (Bath): Artin level algebras. (abs)
3:15 Jasbir Nagi (Cambridge): Graded Riemann spheres. (abs)
4:30 Jaroslaw Buczynski (Warsaw): Legendrian varieties. (abs)
Warwick, Thursday 11th December 2003 (Library Room 1)
2:00 Weronika Krych (Warsaw): False weighted projective spaces and Mori theorem for orbifolds. (abs)
3:15 Peter Frenkel (Budapest): Fixed point data of finite groups acting on 3-manifolds. (abs)
4:30 Vivien Easson (Oxford): Applying algebraic geometry to 3-manifold topology. (abs)
Warwick, 24th January 2002
Cinzia Casagrande: Toric Mori theory and contractions to nonprojective varieties.
Carolina Araujo: Introduction to rationally connected varieties.
Tom Bridgeland: Derived categories and elliptic curves.
Cambridge, 10th May 2001
Masayuki Kawakita: What is the Sarkisov program?
One other talk - details lost
COW-Calf Workshop: Warwick, 28th - 30th March 2000
Miles Reid: Varieties and rings.
Gavin Brown: Other people's Gorenstein deformations.
Christian Pauly: Dualities between generalized theta functions.
Alastair Craw: The McKay correspondence for A-Hilb(C3).
Alastair King: G-Hilb or not G-Hilb, that is the question.
Balazs Szendroi: Torelli problems with group action.
Gregory Sankaran: Constructing and compactifying moduli spaces of abelian surfaces.
Umar Salam: Threefold contractions and fourfold flops.
Paul Hacking: Moduli spaces of log surfaces and Severi varieties.
Cambridge, 18th November 1999
Balazs Szendroi: The unbearable lightness of deformation theory.
Alessandro Chiodo: Moduli of curves with theta-characteristic.
Warwick, 21st October 1999
2:00 Gavin Brown (Oxford/Sydney): Resolutions of some pencils on P P2.
4:00 Michael Friedland (Hannover/Bath): Tits buildings of some paramodular groups.
Cambridge, 24th June 1999 (Seminar Room 1)
2:00 Stavros Papadakis (Warwick): Unprojection and the Gorenstein condition.
4:00 Birte Feix (Cambridge): Hyperkähler metrics on cotangent bundles.
Oxford, 27th May 1999
2:00 Marcos Jardim (Oxford): Spectral curves for bundles over elliptic surfaces.
4:00 Tom Fisher (Cambridge): Where do elements of the Tate-Shafarevich Group live?
: Warwick, 22nd - 26th March 1999
Paul Hacking (Cambridge): Introduction to the Minimal Model Programme.
Miles Reid (Warwick): Background to the McKay correspondence.
Mirel Caibar (Warwick): Introduction to canonical singularities.
Alastair Craw (Warwick): Introduction to toric geometry.
Balazs Szendroi (Cambridge): Nef cones and toric geometry.
Richard Thomas (Oxford): Introduction to intersection theory and moduli problems.
Mark Gross (Warwick): Introduction to Special Lagrangian Fibrations.
Umar Salam (Cambridge): Flops and deformation theory.
Warwick, 14th January 1999 (Room 26)
2:00 Balazs Szendroi (Cambridge): The local geometry of some Calabi-Yau moduli spaces.
4:00 Francisco Jose Plaza-Martin (Salamanca/Cambridge): The scheme of divisors on algebraic curves.
Oxford, 19th November 1998
2:30 Jan Wierzba (Cambridge): Mori's proof of the Hartshorne conjecture.
4:30 Andrei Caldararu (Warwick): K3 Surfaces, Stable Sheaves, and an Example of Mukai.
Oxford, 15th October 1998
2:00 Richard Thomas (Oxford): Derived categories for the working mathematician.
4:00 Stavros Papadakis (Warwick): Cohen-Macaulay varieties.
Cambridge, 10th July 1998 (Seminar Room 2)
12:00 Thomas Fangel (Aarhus/Warwick): Hyperelliptic linear systems on K3 surfaces.
2:30 Jonathan Dee (Cambridge): Introduction to Motives.
Warwick, 4th June 1998 (Room 26)
2:00 Michael Fryers (Cambridge): Calabi-Yau threefolds in the Horrocks-Mumford bundle.
4:00 Mirel Caibar (Warwick): On the Topology of Canonical Singularities.
Cambridge, 14th May 1998
2:00 Umar Salam (Cambridge): Deformation theory of Calabi-Yau varieties.
4:00 Alastair Craw (Warwick): The Kodaira Vanishing Theorem.
Inaugural Calf Meeting: Cambridge, 23rd April 1998
2:00 Massimiliano Mella (Cambridge): Fano-Mori spaces.
4:00 Selma Altinok (Warwick): Constructing K3 surfaces from small ones.